Reliving the daily walk to my school

"Early morning dawdle proceeding the preschool up the hill. A sudden breeze of winter tide made her stand still. Hefty tot tried, couldn't hike much with warm draperies, having wellingtons worn. So was dragged by daddy with a clasp of hands, she pulls her bag of bones backward, couldn't take the weight on. Fails to remember the faces and surroundings, she must have attained zilch from the lessons taught. Finishing school was a great task to achieve, acutely blissful she must have got. Collecting chestnuts dropped from the trees thinking nuts were bird's eggs, was her belief. Sweet-corn was a popular choice, much easier was hiking through the down slopes of height, what a relief! " Strolling on The Mall, suddenly road ended for me as I bumped into the front gate of my pre-nursery School- Chalet Day.