Agra: Squeezing in a trip

It seems that March flied with a Supersonic Jet speed as I feel that this has turned out to be a bustling month, totally. Having relatives around means less of alone time at home and more of merry making moments and time spending with them. In this tied up schedule we chose to go out for a small outing to some nearby place so we zeroed in on Taj Mahal, Agra, being at a short distance and gaining its remarkable significance in the history as well as in the existing world for bagging a win in the list of “seven wonders” was worth a jaunt. We left early morning from Delhi and on our way made a 60 minutes halt at Vrindavan to go over to the very famous Iskon Temple or Hare Ram Hare Krishna temple. Lord Krishna is the deity to whom the temple is dedicated. At Vrindavan the Iskon society also runs a boarding school on the lines of Gurukul wherein the students and teachers stay together and students learn things by observing their teachers. They also have a guest house in the temple pr...